
Work-based Learning in Health and Social Care: pathways to Person Centred Care from 360 Forward

A work based action learning programme with a career pathway

360 Forward courses are designed to help all staff and managers at all levels of organisation acquire the unique blend of knowledge, skills and behaviours that enable people using services to experience good care and support, family and friends to have confidence in the quality of care, and staff to find the work fulfilling

The adult learning methods 360 Forward uses are well suited to on-the-job staff development at all levels of practice, management and leadership. These courses are used by the Elizabeth Care® Programme credited by the University of Surrey. Other users include: Surrey County Council, Surrey Care Association, The Brendoncare Foundation, Gracewell Nursing Homes, Frimley Park Hospital


  • Staff better equipped to do their jobs
  • Higher job satisfaction, efficiency savings, staff retention
  • Increased reputation as residents and relatives outcomes are achieved
  • Supports integration & enhances dementia care outcomes
  • Helps people to meet their CQC requirements for 5 Key themes
  • Courses being University credited and leading to degree qualifications with career pathway

Person Centred Care and Best practice Courses

Defining person centred care:

  • What person centred care looks like in practice
  • Innovative ways to involve family and close friends
  • Building relationships in person centred ways

Supporting Person Centred Care

  • Gain insight into the person’s perspective
  • How to respond in practical ways, sensitive to the person’s needs
  • How to distinguish between doing to, for and with a person
  • Overcoming barriers in practical ways to minimise stress

Exploring home life occupationand the environment

Staff can promote person centred relationships and person centred ways of achieving meaningful occupation and home life from the resident’s perspective taking account of the relative’s perspective and evidence based practice.

  • Exploring features of a good home life from service user perspective
  • Understand roles of all staff, family and friends delivering meaningful occupation

The experience and needs of visiting family and friends

  • Identify what matters most from a family and friends’ perspective
  • How to overcome barriers that inhibit positive relationships between the service user, their families and staff in the best interests of the person
  • How to maximise abilities most effectively whilst managing associated risk

An overview of the 360 Standard Framework

  • Gain understanding of what personalisation looks like
  • How measures of achievement of the 360 SF helps staff & managers track progress
  • Describe practical methods to implement person centred outcomes and relationship activated care

Exploring the 360 Standard Framework

  • Use the 360 SF to produce evidence of compliance with CQC requirements towards excellence and outstanding ratings
  • Distinguish between an outcome standard and measures of its achievement
  • Gain insights into what relationship based person centred care looks like from perspectives of residents, staff and relatives
  • How to track their own progress and identify learning needs

Exploring person centred communication skills:

  • Communication skills that build positive relationships between and among the person, their relatives and staff
  • Identify what communication between people entails
  • Identify barriers to person centred care and positive relationship building
  • Outline communication skills enable therapeutic and responding to people living with dementia

Facilitation and group work skills in care settings:

  • How to achieve positive relationships and person centred ways of working with the person, providing their care and support and resolving concerns and complaints
  • How to involve relatives purposefully and achieve person centred outcomes for their family member
  • Using outcome and process measures and management/structure resources to enable staff to deliver person centred care

Exploring the resident’s personal care and support:

  • How to achieve positive relationships and person centred ways of working with the person, providing their care and support and resolving concerns and complaints
  • How to involve relatives purposefully and achieve person centred outcomes for their family member
  • Using outcome and process measures and management/structure resources to enable staff to deliver person centred care

Person centred care planning:

  • Working closely with service user and their close relatives to make decisions about the person’s care and support
  • Information needed in care planning to deliver person centred care reflecting the person’s viewpoint and statutory responsibilities of staff
  • How care planning can achieve continuity and co-ordination of care and daily living activities from the perspective of the resident and relatives

Language, cultural and intergenerational differences:

Staff gain insights into language, cultural and intergenerational differences that promote or inhibit positive relationships and person centred care in health and social care settings from the standpoint of older people

Supporting Person Centred Care

Staff can identify factors that promote or inhibit positive relationships and person centred support in meeting the measures of good care and community that relatives use to judge the quality of the resident’s care.

Involving visiting relatives purposefully:

  • Staff can identify factors that promote or inhibit positive relationships and person centred support them in their visiting roles in the ways both they and the Person wish.
  • Staff are able to work through concerns with the person’s relatives in positive ways building their trust and confidence in the Home

Enabling staff to deliver person centred care and support to residents:

  • Managers and those in leadership roles are able to provide the support staff need to fulfil their responsibilities to the Person and their relatives in person centred ways.
  • Staff are motivated and feel valued. Managers are more effective in achieving their objectives, sickness levels reduce, recruitment and retention improve, efficiency savings accrue

Establishing a culture for quality improvement in health and social care

Staff and managers gain insights into the value of undertaking quality improvement initiatives

More effective care and support for the Person, increased satisfaction with the service, fewer concerns and complaints, enhanced reputation of the provider organisation, better recruitment and retention of quality leaders and staff

How to lead, manage and develop person centred cultures using the 360 SF

This course comprises 5 days with two facilitators broken into two parts (2 day and 3 day block) follow up telephone support can be agreed. Managers will be able to:

  • Create a personal development plan to support them in achieving the manager’s outcomes of the 360 Standard Framework
  • Reflect on their practice in ways that help them to recognise their personal strengths an areas for development in the context of achieving the managers outcomes of the 360 Standard Framework
  • Develop competencies managers and leaders need to manage person centred services based on positive relationships

Designing, implementing and reviewing action planning

  • Managers can use the action planning tool to lead their teams through change and track quality improvement as a method of achieving.
  • Managers will be able to use Action Planning as a continuous quality improvement through review and decision making for further functions.
  • Staff learn to involve the person and relatives and the person benefits from improvements that they have helped design

Masterclass for Care Home Owners and Managers

  • One Day Programme
  • How to demonstrate best practice and integration from the user perspective
  • How to involve staff, relatives and residents in successful quality improvement
  • How to put best practice in managing long term conditions into place
  • Explore the managers enabling role in transforming cultures
  • Understand Duty of Candour and how to implement this in practice
  • How to review your performance and make improvements

Working with people living with dementia:

  • Develop knowledge skills and behaviours necessary for building empathetic trusting relationships with people living with dementia
  • Using personal history/biography effectively to minimise stress and maximise wellbeing.

Communicating with people with special needs:

  • Practical methods and techniques for communicating more effectively with people living with dementia who have difficulties communicating
  • Involving people in decisions
  • Stimulate creative ways to provide positive interaction between and among service users, staff and relatives

Introduction to therapeutic conversing with people living with dementia

To help participants acquire the knowledge, attitudes and communication techniques necessary for building empathetic, trusting relationships with a person living with dementia taking account of the person’s life history, personality, stage of dementia and the care environment

Developing therapeutic conversing with people living with dementia

  • Participants can use the knowledge, the emphatic communication skills and the techniques helping them to generate and build trusting relationships with the person experiencing dementia.
  • Participants can take full account of the person’s life history, personality, stage of the dementia, and the care environment to identify and respond to possible psychological needs lying behind feelings and behaviours being expressed.
  • Promotes creative ways of working with the person and greater job satisfaction.
  • In safeguarding, behaviours previously labelled ‘problematic’ become reframed in positive ways for the person’s individuality, dignity and wellbeing

Optimising abilities to promote independence: Making re-enablement work for the person

  • To help staff develop the competencies they require to support people that use their service to maintain optimal levels of independence in the areas of life that are important to them
  • Giving a person the support they need to maintain their abilities as far as possible
  • Using creative techniques to introduce and implement best practice tailored to individual needs that make a person feel in control

Using pictures to communicate with people with dementia

  • This practical course shows participants how they can use Talking Mats techniques and picture questionnaires to involve people with mild to moderate dementia in expressing their views about their care.
  • This method is invaluable in helping people with dementia feel involved in decisions about their care and daily life in any care setting

Complying with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) – Caring for older people as they would like

It aims to help all staff have a working knowledge of the Act to help them support people and be clear about their respective responsibilities in supporting a person who may lack capacity when making decisions on their behalf. Following the guidance in the Act staff can respond positively to the person to meet their emotional and physical needs within the person’s abilities.

This promotes creative ways of working with the e person with their involvement and results also in greater job satisfaction. Relatives are confident their loved ones are in safe hands

  • The role of the MCA (2005) in safeguarding rights of the person and the support needed
  • How to effectively involve family members and respond to its requirements

Best Practice in Dementia Care: Ten Key Themes

  • This is a modular course focussing on ten key themes for best practice in dementia care with additional signposting to best practice resources.
  • The course comprises 15 hours of teaching, exercises and reflection sessions that can be flexibly organised into sessions of 43-90 minutes and timetabled to suit learner needs and availability. Modules are built sequentially each building on the learning from the preceding module.N.B This is also sold as a complete in-house trainers pack with facilitators notes for 10 1.5 -2 hour sessions with worksheets, case studies and hand-outs £175 as a PDF

Training Film: Conversations That Matter (£80)

An empathy and communication training film with facilitators notes and trainer hand-outs for people living with dementia. A powerful drama reconstruction to raise awareness and demonstrate a new way of communicating at a deeper emotional level with people experiencing dementia.


  • Gain insight into what motivates people at different life stages
  • How to encourage motivation in person centred ways
  • Agree actions that they can take with others to resolve issues

Preventing falls

  • Using best practice to manage risk in vulnerable people
  • How to control risk factors in the care environment, promote mobility and prevent falls
  • To help people to regain abilities to extent possible